The basis of Bonaplant fertilizer technology is the combination of different groups of bacteria in one product. You don't need to add multiple bacterial supplements to the soil to increase levels of a particular element. Fertilizing with Bonaplant alone is sufficient for overall soil improvement.
How does this work?
What do microbes do?

Nitrogen fixers are bacteria that live in the rhizosphere (in the soil around roots). They are able to absorb molecular nitrogen (N2) from the air and convert it into plant-available forms such as ammonium (NH4) and nitrate (NO3).
Phosphate mobilizers are bacteria that help convert poorly soluble phosphorus compounds. The acids they produce break down calcium, magnesium, aluminum, or iron phosphate salts, forming water-soluble compounds that are available to the plant.
Ammoniacals are bacteria that convert the proteins of plant and animal residues and other microorganisms (nitrogen fixers) into ammonium (NH4), and nitrifying bacteria oxidize ammonium to nitrates (NO3).
Pulp-degrading bacteria are bacteria that break down organic residues and enrich the soil with organic matter, cellulose and polysaccharides, which are involved in maintaining soil structure.
Silicate bacteria are able to dissolve silicate minerals and release potassium compounds.
In addition to bacteria, Bonaplant fertilizers also contain their excretion products, which form organic and mineral acids, alkalis, enzymes, polysaccharides, phenolic compounds, vitamins, auxins, gibberins, stimulants, etc.
All this microflora forms and cleans the soil, improves the soil structure and the water-air and heat balance and accelerates the natural processes of humification.
Bonaplant contains microelements and natural minerals (phosphorite, zeolite, leonardite, sulphur) to improve soil structure.
Our technology is patented in the EU.