All about bacterial fertilizers

In modern agriculture, the use of only organic and mineral fertilizers is not enough to maintain soil health. In natural ecosystems, plants are always in close interaction with microorganisms that live in the root zone, which directly influence the soil’s microflora. What are these microorganisms, and how do they contribute to increased yields? We will answer these questions in detail in this article.

What are bacterial fertilizers?

As the name suggests, we are talking about bacterial fertilizers—biological products that contain live cultures of beneficial microorganisms that actively interact with the soil and the root system of plants. These microorganisms include various bacteria and fungi, whose primary purpose is to create a favorable microbiological environment around the plant roots. The microorganisms found in bacterial fertilizers improve soil structure, help mineralize organic compounds, and convert them into forms that plants can readily absorb.

Bacterial fertilizers are also an environmentally safe way to boost yields. They do not contain chemical components, making them an excellent alternative to synthetic fertilizers. Using these products helps reduce the environmental impact and decrease the amount of chemicals entering the ecosystem.

Main types of bacterial fertilizers

There are several key types of bacterial fertilizers, each having a specific effect on soil and plants:

  • Nitrogen-fixing bacteria, such as Rhizobium, provide plants with nitrogen—one of the most essential elements for their growth. They absorb atmospheric nitrogen and convert it into forms accessible to plants. These bacteria are especially beneficial for leguminous crops, which can actively fix nitrogen from the air and supply it to other plants.
  • Phosphate-mobilizing bacteria help break down insoluble phosphorus compounds in the soil, making this element more available to plants. Phosphorus is necessary for root formation and flowering, which is especially important for grain, vegetable, and fruit crops.
  • Silicate bacteria assist plants in absorbing potassium and other micronutrients from silicate minerals in the soil. They enhance the soil's ability to retain moisture, improve plant nutrition, and strengthen their resistance to external stress.
  • Mycorrhizal inoculants contain symbiotic fungi that form mutually beneficial relationships with plant roots. Mycorrhiza increases the root system's surface area, helping plants better absorb water and nutrients from the soil. It also protects plants from diseases and supports them in stressful conditions, which is particularly important for fruit and forest crops.
  • Complex bacterial fertilizers contain mixtures of various microorganisms that work together to improve the overall structure and fertility of the soil.

Bacterial fertilizers from the manufacturer can be purchased at Bonaplant. Since 2016, we have been conducting research for the organic use of bacterial communities and developing effective products to improve soil.

Features of using bacterial fertilizers

These fertilizers require a special approach, as the microorganisms in them are alive and need the right conditions to be active in the soil. Therefore, to achieve maximum effect from using bacterial fertilizers, it is essential to be aware of several key features.

  • Firstly, it is important to consider the type and condition of the soil. Bacterial fertilizers will be most effective in soils with sufficient organic content and good structure. Soils that have been depleted or subjected to intensive chemical treatment may require preliminary preparation—applying organic fertilizers or restoring the microbiological balance.
  • Secondly, bacterial products should be applied under certain humidity and temperature conditions, as microorganisms are sensitive to extreme conditions like drought or excessive moisture. The optimal temperature for applying bacterial fertilizers is moderate, between +10°C and +25°C. If the soil is too dry or overheated, the activity of the microorganisms will decrease.
  • Thirdly, proper combination with other fertilizers is essential. Bacterial products can be used together with organic and mineral fertilizers, but it's important to consider dosages and timing. For example, mineral fertilizers with high nitrogen content can suppress the activity of nitrogen-fixing bacteria, so it is better to alternate their application or use them in smaller doses.

It is also important to consider the seasonality of applying bacterial fertilizers. In autumn, they can be used to prepare the soil for the next season. In spring, fertilizers are applied right before sowing so that microorganisms can activate and start working during plant vegetation. In summer, bacterial fertilizers are used to support plants in stressful conditions, such as drought or extreme heat.

Finally, it should be remembered that bacterial fertilizers have a long-lasting effect, but the results may not be immediate. Microorganisms require time to activate and perform their functions in the soil. Regular use of bacterial fertilizers contributes to a gradual improvement in soil condition and increases fertility, providing long-term results.

Advantages of Bacterial Fertilizers

Bacterial fertilizers have numerous advantages that make them an essential part of modern, environmentally safe agriculture, reducing the need for chemical fertilizers. These include:

  • Natural restoration of soil fertility. Microorganisms help decompose organic matter, resulting in looser soil, better aeration, and improved access for roots to water and nutrients.
  • Increased efficiency in nutrient absorption by plants. Microorganisms help convert hard-to-access elements into available forms, improving plant nutrition.
  • Improved plant resistance to diseases and adverse conditions. Bacterial fertilizers positively affect root system development, making it stronger and more resilient to external stresses. This makes plants less susceptible to droughts, sudden temperature fluctuations, and diseases.
  • Eco-friendliness. Bacterial products do not pollute the soil or water resources. Microorganisms naturally integrate into the soil ecosystem, maintaining its balance.
  • Long-lasting effect. Bacterial fertilizers work not only at the time of application but continue to improve soil conditions over several seasons, gradually increasing soil microbiological activity.

Bacterial fertilizers from the manufacturer

Bonaplant offers a wide range of high-quality organic and bacterial fertilizers, developed based on advanced research and proven technologies. Our products are designed to help farmers increase crop yields while preserving soil health and protecting the environment.