Leonardite extract 10% nutrient medium for microorganisms.
Bioorganic mineral stimulation supplement, an additional active ingredient enriched with trace nutrients and microorganisms. Promotes plant growth and bud formation, increases leaf mass and the number of flowers. Increases photosynthetic ability and stimulates the self-renewal process of plants.
Organic matter
N 1,20 %
Other items
P2O5 0,01 %
CaO 0,10 %
K2O 5,00 %
MgO 0,05 %
S 0,10 %
Fe2O3 600 mg/kg
Produces heteroauxin (indoleacetic acid), a phytohormone that stimulates the growth process of plants.
Pseudomonas Cedrina 10x10^10 CFU/g
Produces exoenzymes, amylases, proteinases and vitamins (B12) (B2) to support and accelerate biological activity and plant immunity.
Bacillus Megaterium 10x10^10 CFU/g
Microbiological Stimulator / Natural Growth Stimulator
Microbiological Stimulator / Natural Growth Stimulator
  1. Increases photosynthetic ability and stimulates the self-renewal process of plants

2. Increases plant resistance to diseases

3. The bioorganic mineral stimulator is evenly distributed on the plant with the help of phytosanitary equipment

4. Promotes root formation, which in turn leads to better nutrition and increased growth of the above-ground part of the plant

5. Accelerates protein metabolism, which is associated with improved plant growth, reduction in nitrate content and improvement in the quality of the end product

6. Increases the intensity of respiration, photosynthesis and water exchange, and increases the concentration of chlorophyll and ascorbic acid, especially in the early stages of plant development Increases leaf mass,

7. bud formation and the number of flowers

8. The combined use of BONABOOST with mineral fertilizers and pesticides can reduce the Reduce consumption by 20-30%

9. Increases the nutritional content of the fruit; Increases fruit size and number by 20-50 percent

10. Increases crop yields by at least 15-30%;2.
Foliar fertilization during the growing season 3 to 5 times - 2 times before flowering and 3 times after flowering
Annual cultures
Perennial cultures
Foliar fertilization during the growing season 3 to 5 times - 2 times before flowering and 3 times after flowering
1. Foliar treatment during the growing season

2. Seed treatment
Universal fertilizer, approved for all crops. Same dosage for all cultures
Foliar treatment (spraying): 1-1.5 liters per 200-300 liters of water per 1 ha, 3 to 5 times per season

Treatment of seeds and planting material before sowing: dilute 100 ml of fertilizer with 10 l of water Put

the seeds in the solution ( 3 l per 1 kg seed) for 5-6 hours.
Corn (beans, peas, buckwheat, soybeans, etc.)
when sowing directly with the seed, 200 kg per 1 ha
50-100 kg per 1 ha together with mineral fertilizers
Apply potatoes and tuberous vegetables
directly with the seed when sowing, 200 kg per 1 ha
50-100 kg per 1 ha together with mineral fertilizers
Apply wheat (barley, oats, rye, etc.)
when sowing directly with the seed, 200 kg per 1 ha
50-100 kg per 1 ha together with mineral fertilizers
am Frühlingsanfang direkt in die Reihen: 100-200 kg pro 1 ha
50-100 kg pro 1 ha zusammen mit Mineraldünger
Kann mit anderen Düngemitteln, Biopräparaten und Wachstumsregulatoren kombiniert werden
Gewicht/Volumen 1 l (Flasche)/10/20 l (Kanister) / 1 Tonne (IBC-Container)
Bacillus Mucilaginous 0x10^10 CFU/g
Bacillus Mucilaginous 0x10^10 CFU/g